Have you ever woken up with a stiff or aching neck, unable to turn your head, thinking ‘where did that come from?’
It might be hard to believe that the problem did not start overnight. Sometimes it takes months or years to develop neck pain!
Your neck is made up of seven bony segments (vertebrae) and it’s main job is to support your head that weighs about 10-12 lbs. When the head is properly aligned in a neutral position it distributes its weight well over the spine.
However, research has shown that when tilted even slightly forward - 15 degrees (a common position to look at the cellphone) the weight increases to about 27 lbs.
The more weight you put on your neck, the more likely to cause a neck strain!
Neck pain could be sudden (acute), typically resolving in 1-2 weeks; or chronic, starting gradually and long lasting.
Use cold to numb the early acute pain and reduce inflammation. You might try over-the- counter medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen ( Advil) or topical creams. Rest and after a day or two apply heat - heating pad, bean bag or a warm bath/ shower.
When the acute pain subsides, move on to gentle stretching and strengthening exercises.
To avoid another pain episode in the future - correct your posture and avoid the habits that are triggering the muscle tightness and pain.
Seek medical advice if your neck pain is severe, lasts for weeks or months, significantly limits the ability to move your head, radiates to your arms or causes numbness and weakness in your hands or other symptoms like a fever/ feeling unwell.
Additional tests might be required to rule out other causes such as arthritis, infection, fracture or a compressed nerve.
Exercises to stretch and strengthen the neck, shoulder and upper back muscles can help to recover from painful neck conditions and prevent recurrent problems.
Chin Tuck - This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles that pull the head back into alignment over the shoulders. To perform this exercise stand with your back to a wall. Pull the upper back and head backwards until the head touches the wall. Keep the chin down and pull the head straight back, not looking up. Hold the head against the wall for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Levator Scapulae Stretch - Start in a seated position. Place the hand of the side you want to stretch behind your back. Take the opposite hand and pull your head forwards and to the opposite side at an angle, until you feel a stretch from the base of your skull down into your shoulder blade. Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds.
Thoracic Mobility: Cat/Camel Pose - Start on your hands and knees with your back in a neutral position. Arch your back, lifting your head up and pushing your tailbone out, making a dish with your spine. Hold this position. Next, bend your back up by tucking your head and tail bone in and pulling your belly button in towards your spine, making a curve through your back. Hold this position, and then repeat 10 times.
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