Article by Lindsay Laltoo
Learn about the importance of exercising and strengthening your foot's intrinsic muscles – as well as what they are!
The intrinsic muscles of the feet are small muscles that start and end in the foot (as opposed to “extrinsic” muscles of the feet that start in the lower leg and extend down).
They help maintain ankle stability, and keep the arch of the foot supported.
If these muscles weaken, the arch of the foot can collapse, leading to many problems up the body – including plantar fasciitis, impaired balance, and knee and back pain.
People who have problems with overpronating, calf strains, Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, hip and knee problems and more.
In this exercise, the foot is "shortened" by using the intrinsic muscles to pull the bottom of the big toe towards the heel as the inner arch of the foot is elevated. This raising of the arch is also known as "foot doming".
How can we reduce our reliance on pain medication? Lots of people are reluctant to use over the counter pains relievers as well as the stronger meds that are prescribed by doctors. Below are a few other ways that can be used to help manage pain that have a good body of evidence behind them to demonstrate their effectiveness.
The Fascinating World of Fascia: Understanding Its Role in the Mind-Body Connection
Do you clench your jaw, grind your teeth or bite your nails? Does this lead to clicking, cracking, locking or pain in your jaw? Physiotherapy may be able to help!